Wednesday, August 19

Reflective Synopsis

Looking at all the delivery technologies through this assignment was defiantly engaging for me. Most of these technologies were things that I wanted to get around and do but just never had the time.
I could defiantly see the possibilities of using most of these tools in the classroom and the effective ways that students of any age can become engaged. I found that the Engagement Theory written by Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman (1998), related back to this assessment in many ways. This assessment provided me with an authentic focus as I could see myself implementing these tools in a classroom setting which defiantly provided me with a higher level of satisfaction as I could see where this assessment could help in the future. Also the activities involved in posting these blogs included creating, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making and evaluation which is the basic principle of the engagement theory. I do find that the engagement theory is an effective one and I found myself engaged right from the start of this course.

The thought of engaging with so many different delivery technologies before actually beginning this assessment was a bit daunting. Being what is considered as a ‘digital native’ (Prensky, 2001) I didn’t have to much trouble but the odd hiccup every now and then came along. I could defiantly see myself implementing these delivery technologies in the classroom as they are engaging for any type of student.

I was engaged with most delivery tools, but the stand out ones I found were Google Earth, YouTube/Teacher Tube, Animations and Simulations, PowerPoint and Voki’s.
Google Earth is such an incredible tool and has so many possibilities. Back when I was in primary school there was nothing like that available at all but imagine what teachers could have taught us with this amazing delivery technology.
Both YouTube and Teacher Tube can offer so much from one single site. There is a video for basically anything that you need and if you look around there is bound to be a video that is engaging for everyone. Students can make their own videos, take notes from videos, make a collection of their favourite videos, the possibilities are endless.
Animations and Simulations are a great tool for students of any age. I’m finished school and I had so much fun with dissecting that frog! I told my friends as well and they even went on and had a go. These tools provide an option for students who don’t have the opportunity to go through with the real thing or even just as a preparation before undergoing the real dissection. Students could even make their own animations to share with the class or even post on the web.
PowerPoint is a never fail tool of delivering information. It has been used in pretty much every class I’ve ever had but continues to be an effective way of delivering information. It delivers pictures, information, videos and the sound effects and slide transitions are always a great way to keep students entertained.
I had never heard of anything like a Voki before this course, and what fun they are. They would defiantly be a great tool for engaging younger students as the funny voices and characters would be engaging right from the start. Students can create their own Voki’s to share information with classmates and teachers can use Voki’s to encourage and begin practicing note taking abilities. Voki’s can even be helpful with learning a different language as the language tool has become and option.

Throughout this course I have noticed that many of the delivery technologies can be linked in and enhanced with other delivery technologies. PowerPoint’s can be created by students and uploaded to SlideShare. Students can create animations and upload them to YouTube. Photos can be shared via Flickr and can then be edited through Picnik. Using these tools together could only engage students on a higher level and as learning managers isn’t that what we want?

Marc Prensky (2005) states that ‘students don’t have short attentions spans for their games, movies music or internet surfing. More and more they just don’t tolerate the old ways – and they are enraged we are not doing better by them.’ As learning managers we need to create new ways of educating students using the ways they feel comfortable and engaged. By using these delivery technologies, students will be engaged on higher levels and will in turn have increased motivation to learn providing the students of today with the education they need.


Kearsley, G & Shneiderman, B. (1999) ‘Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning’ Retrieved 14 July, 2009 from

Prensky. M (2006) ‘Engage or Enrage me’ Educause Review, October, 2006. Retrieved 14 July, 2009

Prensky, M (2001) ‘Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants’, On The Horizon, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1-6. Retrieved 14 July, 2009,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf

Links to comments posted on classmates blogs –

Static Website's!

Whilst in high school, I did information technology as a subject. In grade 10 we had to use Dream Weaver (I think that’s what it was called) to create a website for a company that we designed ourselves.
The different layers and codes were very confusing and I had a lot of difficulty creating a webpage. Fortunately the assignment was in teams and I was paired with a dream weaver savvy partner so I did end up learning a bit.

The technology of these programs is difficult to comprehend and the need for younger students to create WebPages just isn’t there. Older students in high school or University could use this program to create pages for each subject or class and put pictures and videos on there, kind of a like simpler version of Mahara.

If students are put together to work in teams for creating a webpage, Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman (1998) say that when students work in teams, collaboration increases motivation of students to learn. Students can use Dream Weaver to make their own pages about themselves or about their class and teachers can even use one for showing students information for their coursework.

Personally, I think a blog or an e.portfolio would be a better way for students to learn this same kind of technology as Dream Weaver is just a bit difficult (for me anyway) to understand.


  • Always accesible
  • Students who are more creative might enjoy this program
  • The end result is satisfying


  • Difficult to use and understand
  • Programs are relativly expensive
  • A lot of explaining would be required


  • Class webpages
  • Students can create their own pages, individually or in groups

Grace xx

Learning Management Systems!

Learning Management Systems have been involved for me with both school and University use. Learning Management Systems allow students to check and send emails, view assignments for each subject and view news updates within their organisation. Learning Management Systems provide students with a way to access their assignments outside of school and having the option to view tasks online is also better for the environment with less printing of paper.

Learning Management Systems can have access to library pages and catalogues and teachers can add important links of where students can find information. Teachers or lectures could use Learning Management Systems to place subject materials where students can if they were sick and unable to attend a class. Students can also use these links to go ahead with coursework if they feel confident to do so.

Students can also use these systems to access discussion boards to communicate with staff and fellow classmates if they are encountering any problems. This is a great collaboration tool, Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman (1998) say that this collaborative learning tool is a technique that can be applied to any domain.

  • Constantly accessible
  • Communication tool
  • Way for students to show others what they are learning
  • Password protected
  • Not everyone has Internet access
  • Classes can have private Learning Management Systems
  • E-mailing
  • Online yearbooks/publications
Grace xx

Interactive Whiteboards!

I had heard of interactive whiteboards being used in classrooms before but I have never had the experience of using one myself. I think there is only one school in Mackay that has access to an interactive whiteboard.

From what I have seen in videos and read, the interactive whiteboard does seem like a very interactive tool that students have enjoyed being involved in.

The features of the interactive whiteboard are nothing like I have ever seen before. The computer understands what is being drawn and can produce simulations for what is going to happen. Things can be edited after being drawn and moved after students have seen the final results.

This tool could be used when teaching students about gravity, movement or even flight and the interactive features allow students to try these out for themselves and actually see what happens.

Greg Kearsley and Ben Shneiderman (1998) say that the virtual classroom environment results in better mastery of course materials, greater student satisfaction and a higher level of student reported learning than traditional classroom experiences.

  • Interactive and engaging
  • Big enough for all students to see
  • A different way for students to learn
  • Students can learn more with hands on learning


  • If a class is too big not all students can have a go
  • Expensive


  • Maths
  • Gravity
  • Movement
  • Flight
  • Space

Grace xx

Saturday, August 8


After watching the video of voicethread, I started getting excited. :) Voicethread seems like a great delivery technology for the classroom and the possibilities for this tool are endless.

Teachers can use this program to comment on students work in the classroom and students can even comment each others work.

With the variety of commenting features, this means that students can participate in whichever way they feel comfortable with. Teachers can also use voicethread to post an image of something students are learning about and have them comment it. For example if a teacher posts an image of the countries of the world, students homework could be to pick a country and comment an unusual fact about this country.

This program could best be used with students from grade 5 and up. Younger students could possibly get involved but parental help will more then likely be required.

In high school, we had to deconstruct images and explain why things had been structured the way they were. Voicethread would have been an engaging way to make this topic a bit more engaging for all the students in the class.

Voicethread emphasises the first principle of the Engagement Theory (Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman, 1998) and incorporates communication, planning, managment and social skills to increase the motivation of students.

  • Fun
  • Interactive
  • Easy to use
  • Accessible
  • Engaging for all students


  • The more comments there are, the more bandwidth hungry it becomes which means the longer it will take to load. This could be a hassle if all students are participating on the one image


  • In class projects
  • Homework
  • Communication
  • Image deconstruction

Grace xx

Using Music On The Web!

At first I was slightly aprehensive towards Incompetech. I have never been a fan of downloading unless it's through iTunes because I don't trust many sites with that sort of thing.

I ended up downloading a piece called 'Kick Shock' which is a dance composition by Kevin McLeod that incorporates synth keys, synth drums, triangle and electronics. It didn't take long to download at all which was great and I really enjoyed it.

You can find it here -

Incompetech could definatly be uses in media classes or classes where music is a component. When I was in high school, I did film and television as a subject. When preparing short films and animations, we had to use all our own music and produce our own sound effects if we did wish to include them. From a student perspective, this tool would definatly be helpful in situations like that.

Teachers can use Incompetech for preparing presentations for students and students could even work in groups to produce their own music to upload to Incompetech. Greg Keasley and Ben Schneiderman (1998) say that student collaboration increases motivation to learn and technology can facilitate engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise.

  • Everything under the creative commons liscence
  • Free
  • All archived to specific dates
  • No registration
  • Quick downloads


  • No way to search for specific things your looking for


  • Student media projects
  • Uploading students own work
  • Classroom presentations

Grace xx

File Storage!

File storage would be a useful tool for many 21st century classrooms. The up to date and easy to use features provide a great alternative to handing in assessment items on paper. File storage would best suit older students, either seniors in high school or university. The need for younger students to use and access this program just isn't really there.

My File -

File storage can be used for group assessment items that just take to long to email around to everybody. Students can publish one file here where it can be accessed by other group members at any time.
Teachers could also use this program to send information to students. Students would then be able to access the file at home whenever they needed to.

This program could also be uses a communication tool between teachers and parents and even provide a way of communicating for students and teachers in their personal lives outside the classroom. Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman (1998) say that the virtual classroom environment results in a better mastery of course materials, greater student satisfaction and a higher level of student-reported learning then traditional classroom experiences.

  • Easy to use
  • Accessible
  • Free
  • Unlimited uploads
  • No software to install


  • Not all students have internet access outside the classroom
  • Not all students may feel comfortable with files on the internet


  • Group assignments
  • Communication
  • Teacher-Teacher sharing
  • Homework delivery

Grace xx

Thursday, August 6


I had never used Slideshare before today and I think it is a fantastic tool for classrooms. However I did find that uploading my slideshow took a bit longer then I had expected which could be a slight downside, but I'm not sure if this was just my computer or not.

Slideshare would be a useful tool for classroom teachers. The large amount of presentations would save time for teachers preparing presentations for students. This website can also be of help to older students when conducting research for assignments or class projects.

Using Slideshare as a place to put presentations is a good incentive for students to do the best work that they can. Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman (1998) say that when student projuects are placed on the web, it provides them with an incentive to do their best work because not only will it be viewed by their classmates but possibly the world.

I uploaded a presentation of photos a friend and I made last year for a bit of fun. It's a bit dodgy but we had fun making it. Unfortunatly I don't have a microphone feature on my computer so I couldn't add narration. For some reason the embedding code won't apply to blogger so I've just posted the link below.

Mocktail 08 -


  • Time saving for teachers
  • Generally easy to use
  • Variety of presentations, something for everyone


  • Takes a long time to upload videos, so this might have to be done outside class time


  • Teachers can share presentations
  • Teachers can publish presentations for parents to view
  • Students can publish slideshows for assessments

Grace xx


Wikipedia is a good starting tool for students doing research. Because the credibility of Wikipedia isn't outstanding, the quality of information is questionable. Wikipedia articles have references of where they have got their information from and this is where students should begin. With sourced articles and scholarly authors.

I did a Wikipedia search on my previous topic dinosaurs. I got a large amount of information and pictures including bone structures and previously existing dinosaurs. There was also an extensive reference list. Wikipedia does provide a great source of information but from a teacher and student point of view, I wouldn't feel comfortable in directly quoting from Wikipedia unless I was referencing a picture source.
Dinosaurs on Wikipedia -

In high school, Wikipedia was actually banned from a few classes for assignments because teachers didnt trust the information on the site. Students did continue to uses Wikipedia as a starting point for topics and pictures and for this purpose it provides a highly effective research tool.
  • References for more information
  • Good pictures and thought provoking topics
  • Accessible to anyone with no registration required


  • Anyone signed up to Wikipedia can edit a site
  • Not always scholarly and credible


  • Basis point for researching
  • Topics for assessment
  • Teaches students to pay attention to author credibility

Grace xx

Google Earth!

Google Earth is a highly interactive tool for students of any age. With the technology to even see streets, I had so much fun looking at all the places I used to live. :)

History and geography are subjects that mostly require imagination because there isnt' much to do in the way of involving and engaging students.

With Google Earth, students can fly accross the world with the click of a button. They can see where life changing events like WW1 and WW2 occured and they can visualise what places look like.

Using Google Earth engages the learners that need to see things to understand and learn (thats students like me.) Younger students can use Google Earth to begin using and understanding maps and measurements. By having a lesson on Google Earth, students could then produce theor own maps, or draw the things they have seen on Google Earth. This could be useful in subjects like art or even graphics.

This tool helps students conceptualise, visualise, share and communicate information about they world they are living in and gives them an understanding of reality. Google Earth also provides students with an authentic focus of the real world which provides students with higher levels of satisfaction towards their learning. (Greg Keasley and Ben Schneiderman, 1998)

  • Easy to use
  • Fun
  • Engaging for everyone


  • Students can easily get distracted with the lack of discipline and choose to view what they want


  • Learning about maps
  • Learning about measurement
  • Locations
  • Famous Landmarks

Grace xx