Monday, August 3

Image Manipulation!

Picnik is a great tool for editing photos. Using this program (which is free!) to edit photos for class assignments is a great idea for students.
Assignments with pictures usually require a high standard of presentation and by being able to digitally edit photo's for free is helpful for both students and teachers.

Younger students can also get into photo editing by forming small groups and editing educational photos like the bones in the human body or the planets in outer space. By being engaged, Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman say that students will have increased motivation to learn. Also by being engaged in their coursework, students are more likely to remember the topics they have covered in class.
Photo's I edited in Picnik -
One was my profile picture and the other was a previous image I had uploaded to flickr. The colours of the images have been changed and effects like rounding the edges can be added. I will definatly continue to use Picnik as my editing program of choice. I have previously used Picasa and there are so many things that Picnik offers that Picasa doesn't.

  • Easy to use
  • Free!
  • Engaging and fun for students of any age
  • Links to Flickr accounts, so no double handling of photos
  • Students can edit photos outside of class time
  • You don't even have to register to anything


  • To get all editing features you must upgrade to the premium software and pay


  • Presentations
  • Photo Slideshows
  • Class Photos
  • Students can edit photos and they become interested in what they are learning

Grace xx


Flickr is a really cool site that has tonnes of images constantly available to everyone. This is a great idea because in certain searches teachers don't have to worry about whether or not the images are copyright. Students can use these pictures for assignments or teachers could even use them to put up around the classroom.

Some of the photo's I uploaded to Flickr -

My Flickr Account -

I found that to upload images took awhile, im not sure if this was just my computer but this could be a hassle if students are using classtime to upload their own photos.
Using Flickr to engage younger students would be a good delivery technology because technology can facilitate engagement in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise.(Greg Kearsly and Ben Schneiderman)

  • Constantly available to everyone
  • Easy step-by-step introduction (this is good for younger students)
  • Settings can be changed so only friends and family can access private photos


  • Not everybody likes having their photos published on the internet


  • Individual classes can establish their own Flickr accounts with photos
  • Class presentations
  • Students can access and comment each others photos
  • Documenting school and class events

Grace xx