Wednesday, July 29

Powerpoint Presentations!

Growing up as what is considered a 'digital native' (Mark Prensky, 2001) Powerpoints have been used in the classroom for as long as I can remember. Through high school, most teachers used powerpoints to engage students whilst they discussed a topic.
By having features such as sounds, pictures and embedding videos into slides, they are a useful tool to deliver information.

Students can also create their own powerpoints, and by incorporating the research they have conducted the information becomes more clearer as they add pictures and effects that suit their research. Younger students can also work in teams to produce powerpoint presentations and they become more engaged and have increased motivation to learn. (Greg Kearsley and Ben Schneiderman)

Having used powerpoint to deliver many oral presentations myself, using the bullet points and pictures as a reminder of what to talk about and not having slides full of information I've noticed that people become more engaged. Because of the lack of useless information on slides, the straight to the point slideshow is engaging for everyone.

  • Engaging pictures and sounds
  • Useful for younger students studying specific topics eg. dinosaurs
  • Good for both teachers and students


  • Sometimes Powerpoints arent used properly and can be very boring eg. lots of information and no pictures


  • Student assignments
  • Delivering information
  • Photo slideshows of student activity

Grace xx


Get a Voki now!

Voki's are so much fun! I made about 5 today just playing around with the voices and backgrounds. :) It was great.
Voki's are an interactive way to engage both students and teachers and as stated by Greg Kearsley and Ben Schniederman, 'students must be engaged in their coursework in order for effective teaching to occur.'
Teachers can use Voki's to deliver information to the class and have students take notes on important information.
The silly voices and settings grab and captivate younger students attention and engage them in the ways that teachers can't. Voki's can also be used by students themselves, quieter students can express themselves through Voki's where they wouldn't usually have the confidence to do so. Teachers can also use Voki's as a way for students to become different story characters and explain things from different points of view.
Voki's can also provide a useful fool for students that study English as a second language, or students that are studying via distance education.

  • Engaging for all students
  • Use in online education
  • Student participation


  • Not always a personal way of communication


  • Note taking
  • Language teaching
  • Flex education

Grace xx