Tuesday, August 4

Animations & Simulations!

Animations are a useful tool to use in the classroom to engage students. Animations have interactive sounds and diagrams that are easy to understand which engages students in ways which are difficult to achieve otherwise. By having students watch the animations, teachers can make sure students are learning by having older students take notes on what they believe is important information, and for younger students teachers can organise questionaires where students 'fill in the blanks.'

I actually remember using 'Froguts' to virtually disect a frog in primary school. Everyone in my class thought it was the coolest thing ever and when I got home from school I even showed my family. Being able to remember this myself shows that simulations are an effective tool for delivering information. By students actually feeling like they're part of the disection it provides them with a realistic atmosphere. Having a quiz at the end of the simulation is a useful tool because it ensures that students are actually learning and recalling information.

  • Students can work in groups when watching simulations, and according to the Engagement Theory of Greg Kearsley and Ben Schniederman, collaboration increases motivation to learn
  • Very informative and is often able to give students an experience they wouldn't ordinarly have


  • Some schools may not have the funding to purchase simulation packages
  • Students may get distracted easily due to lack of discipline and face-to-face interaction


  • Teaching anatomy of animals
  • Practicing note taking
  • Provides students with information for assignments
  • Students can work in groups to produce their own animations, to show what they have learnt

Grace xx

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